So, I have started writing voraciously again. I have been writing about mundane things like cooking and baking. For those interested in some of my attempts at being creative -
Other than that, I have been hungrily devouring all the free tools that Google has to offer me to monetize my blogs. Its more like an experiment at self teaching than anything else. One of my friends taught herself to speak many different languages. I am just trying to teach myself not to be a dumbfuck when it comes to technology. Hence you returning readers will notice the new template and pretty background. I hope you like it.
This post is called who would have thought because:
1. I am up at midnight
2. Writing about food and cooking
3. Trying to get caught up on tracking tools
4. Trying to read and write HTML (see Allie, I can teach myself a new language too)
If any of my (limited) readers have an input on improving this blog do let me know. In the mean time please take advantage of all the great inputs I have on food in my other blog. Yes, yes I know I am shamelessly advertising myself. The last time I checked this was still my page on the web :)