Friday, June 24, 2011

Men.. le sigh!

Background - Me trying to tell a story while the boy is completely jet lagged. He keeps falling asleep and I keep trying to wake him up. Telling him about my get together with two of his guy friends from high school - N and T. Both very heterosexual south Asian men.

Me: So then T and N and me went for a walk.
BF: hmmm... (clearly disinterested and half asleep)
Me: We bought a tonne of groceries.
BF: hm.. (hhmmss are getting shorter)
Me: We made truffles for dessert for thanksgiving
BF: (no response)
Me: Then N f***ed T.
BF: (Eyes shot wide open)

On repeating the story to the two men T and N

T: Lol.. what?
N: Ok, I need to know.. who F***ed whom?