Sunday, October 30, 2011

Just Your Regular Sweet Nothings

Me and Shady have a HUGE fight in Chi. It is epic. It is all because he wanted to go running for 15 mins before we headed out. We were already late. I really wanted to see the city. He wakes up at 11.30 and goes: I am going to write a paper, work out, take a shower, eat lunch and then show you around. I go storming out of the door.

Later Mike acts as duck tape and brings all of us together. At this time the sulker in me is having multiple orgasms because I haven't had so much to sulk about in ages. Still giving the boys my somewhat silent treatment. This is one conversation I remember:

Me: (Gazing away at the city skyline)
Shady: (A little scared about approaching me, knows I am crabby crabbyson)
Shady: (Bites the bullet. Thinks its best to try and get shot down than not try at all)
Shady: What are you thinking about Boo?
Me: (Calmly) It is illegal
Shady: O! God. That was quick. You must really be thinking about killing me seriously.

We both burst out laughing. It is exactly what I was thinking about.
