Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Letter To My 16 Year Old Self

Hi Gitanjali,

I am writing to  you from the future. I/you are now 9 years older and none the wiser. But, there are things that I think I can tell you that might make things easier for you. 11th grade is going to be hard. It's ok to not have friends or make friends with people you have nothing in common with. Studying science is going to be a struggle. Home life will also be a struggle. But after all these struggles you will have come out a much stronger girl.

Try not to live anyone else's dream. Clearly you missed the boat when it came to studying for medical school. Let it go and pursue something else. Don't dwell on it. You will be your own force of nature in your own way one day.

No matter how much weight you lose at this age it will not help your self confidence. You could be the prettiest, skinniest girl in the class but the only way you will make friends in your new school is if you are completely soulless. You aren't. Also losing a lot of weight is just going to make you sick. So eat all the delicious food that was denied to you in boarding school and be happy.

Two years from now you will meet a boy who will break your heart. It will seem irreparable but that is just the beginning. Don't think you can be a man. You are sensitive and you should embrace it. Whoever hurt you should know they hurt you. It is not a sign of weakness. Nothing is a sign of weakness other than keeping yourself shut and trying to manipulate your feelings to seem like something you aren't.

You won't meet many other men before you meet the right one. That is about 6 years away. But that is ok. You will still have questions about men and always be hauntingly suspicious and demanding. Embrace it because someone else will embrace that about you. Someone will embrace all your imperfections.

That stupid itch that you have before exams when your entire body swells up is a psychosomatic reaction - hives is what they call it in the US. That will go too :)

You are so beautiful and so clueless about your radiance. Try to maintain that and remain naive. No matter how much people try to show you the dark side of the world. Sometimes naivete is what it takes to make a regular day seem extraordinary and a regular life seem fulfilling.

Don't hate on your Mom so much. You are more like her than you think.

